by ERP Solution



Condominium AdministratorCome and be part of the best condominium management company to take care of your assets on a daily basis and over time, dont let your property lose value, well take care of everything for you...Dynamic and easy-to-use platform!Personalized website for your condominium.Ideal for residents, property managers, administrators and employees.Customized services for:*Condominium- Use the Indoor media system for announcements and advertisements in elevators (how should I fill this part out?)*Contractors (how should I fill this part out?)- Registration of owners and residents, including vehicles, pets, visitors and employees;- Publish Communications;- Apply fines and warnings;- Monitor and organize stock;- Make budget forecasts;- Publish, manage and receive documents;- Organize events;- Monitor entry and exit of vehicles and pedestrians through controls and biometrics.*Residents (how should I fill this part?)- Book party rooms and event spaces;- Notify your changes and reforms;- Receive notifications about your orders;- Register your private visitors and employees;- Open incidents;- Follow the condominium wall;- Update your resident and/or owner data; *Administrator; (How should I fill this part?)- Monitor and update the condominium cash register;- Generate and receive payments;- Track and manage apportionments;- Issuance of bills;- Monitor defaulters;- Generate graphs and reports;- Register charges by fractions or amounts;- Calculate monetary corrections;- Monitor and manage contracts and agreements;- Generate collection letters;- Publish gas/water/light measurements.*Staff (doormen and janitors) (how should I fill this part out?)- Update and register visitors;- Notify orders;- Track occurrences;- Receive and update work orders and tasks;- Have access to useful telephone numbers;- Organize and manage loan of condominium objects;- Take gas/light/water readings;- Monitor and update stock;Innovate the way you MANAGE your condominium with WJ CONDO!AttentionThis application is for exclusive use by condominiums contracting the service. If your condominium does not have a contract, contact us and request a demonstration and quote!https://wjcondo.com.br/[email protected]: https://instagram.com/wjcondo?utm_source=qr&igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg%3D%3D (QRCODE PHOTO attached)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WJCondo?mibextid=ZbWKwLPhone and WhatsApp: (35) 99946-0148 35 3822.1860 - General 35 99946-0148 - Jefferson 35 99967-7063 - Financial35 99993-0841 - Secretariat35 99759-9823 - Wanessa [email protected]